About ITS
The mission of ITS is to enable the effective use of information technology in support of the University. Our goal is to provide an innovative, customer-focused, and robust foundation for information technology (IT) solutions that enable the university community to pursue excellence in research, education, and public service. ITS seeks to establish trust with students, faculty, and staff through professionalism, honest and open dialogue, high quality customer service, and a commitment to partnership and collaboration.
Our practice involves creating an environment where mutual respect, collaboration, communication, and dedication to customer service are hallmarks of our operations.
This website has information about the IT products and services available to students, faculty, and staff. Please take a few minutes to learn more about information technology services at 51AV A&M University and how it can facilitate the work you are doing. I hope you will visit the site often to find answers to your information technology questions.
Please enjoy your visit to the ITS website and let us know how we can serve you better. ITS welcomes your comments and feedback.
The ITS Team