Code of Conduct Offenses and Sanctions
1.00 ABDUCTION AND/OR KIDNAPPING. Enticing, persuading or forcible seizing and carrying of any student, faculty, staff or University official from one place to another without that person’s consent.
1.05 ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT. All forms of academic wrongdoing, including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, or any immoral behavior that will harm, damage or endanger any person or property, or hinder academic continuance.
1.10 AGGRAVATED BATTERY. An unlawful act of violent injury to the person of another, accompanied by circumstances of aggravation, such as the use of a deadly weapon.
1.15 AIDING AND/OR INCITING. Aiding, abetting, persuading, and/or procuring another person or persons to commit any act of misconduct in the University community or environment; the persuading or aiding of another person to breach the peace on University premises or at functions sponsored, approved by, or participated in by any member of the University. Gatherings of groups of students on or off of the premises in such a manner which causes damage to public or private property, causes injury to persons, or interferes with the orderly functioning of the University or with the normal flow of traffic or ordinary procedures.
1.20 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES. The use, consumption, possession, purchase, sale, and/or distribution of alcoholic beverages on University property, in cars or other vehicles, or at any of the university’s activities (whether on- or off-campus) are prohibited, except as expressly permitted by the university regulations, exceptions, or local, state, and federal laws. Knowingly being in the presence of alcohol constitutes a violation of University regulations. This includes the possession of any alcohol paraphernalia (bottles, cans, etc.).
1.25 ALCOHOL/DRUG INTOXICATION. Appearing in public on the University premises while intoxicated or under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs is strictly prohibited. This includes any disorderly conduct regardless of whether such conduct results in injury to persons or property, as a result of intoxication.
1.30 ANIMALS - UNAUTHORIZED. Having pets or other animals (e.g. dogs, cats, snakes, birds, hamsters, tropical fish in an aquarium/bowl, etc.), in buildings, student residences, classrooms, offices, and other public areas on the University premises - except with written permission from the Office of Accommodations and Accessibility Services - is prohibited.
1.35 ARSON/FIRE SETTING. The malicious, fraudulent, and/or intentional burning of property on the university premises. Such acts include, but are not limited to, creating fires, setting a personal fire, open flames, and/or igniting flammable materials. This includes any person who is party to or aids, counsels or procures the burning or destruction of any state supported school building. Willfully starting a fire in University buildings or on University property, which includes but is not limited to bonfires and cookouts, without the proper authorization of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee is prohibited. Compliance with local and state fire codes must be assured and verified.
1.40 ASSAULT. The intentional cause of physical injury or serious physical injury to another person by means of hands, feet, and any other body part or deadline weapon/dangerous instrument.
1.45 ATTEMPTED OFFENSES. An attempt to commit an act on University property, or involving members of the University community (that is faculty, staff, student, or campus visitor) in an offense that would be in violation of any law, code of conduct, rule, regulation of local, state or federal criminal code.
1.50 BULLYING/INTIMIDATION/MENACING. The harassment, degradation, threat or intimidation of another. This includes engaging in, attempting or intending to engage in any form of verbal or mental abuse, coercion, which is directed toward another person or group of people which creates an intimidating, fearful or offensive environment in the classrooms, offices, residence halls and on the University premises. In general, physical contact is not required.
1.55 BURGLARY/ROBBERY. The unlawful entry of a ‘structure’ to commit a felony or a theft. The taking or attempting to take something of value from another person by use of force, threats or intimidation.
1.60 CONTEMPT OF HEARING. Contempt of hearing violation includes (1) the failure to appear before a judicial body i.e., Residence Hall Director, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Disciplinary Committee, and/or Appeals Committee after receiving the proper notification of a scheduled disciplinary hearing or conference, (2) willful disobedience to, or displaying open disrespect for a University judicial board member such as the use of profanity, threatening behavior, or derogatory remarks, comments, and/or gestures, and (3) failure to comply with disciplinary conditions as sanctions imposed by a judicial body or judicial administrative officer or staff person. Contempt charges will require the student to pay a disciplinary fine in addition to other sanctions imposed.
1.65 DAMAGE TO PROPERTY/DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY/DEBASEMENT OF PROPERTY. Damage, vandalism, destruction, or devaluing property owned or leased by the University or personal property belonging to an individual, including but not limited to, car vandalism, walking on roofs of a University building, defacing structures and facilities, littering, unauthorized biking, skate boarding in inappropriate areas, marking, egging, littering, painting, use of sidewalk chalk, spraying, the painting of residence hall rooms, hallways, lobby areas, classrooms, doors, bricks, and siding without the proper authorization.
Note: Any student found responsible for violating this policy may be subject to a fine, restitution of the fair market value of the damaged property, educational sanctions, and additional sanctions.
1.70 DANGEROUS, THREATENING, and/or UNSAFE BEHAVIOR. Any conduct or behavior, which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person in the University environment. This includes, but is not limited to, verbal threats to injure or harm another, horse playing, practical jokes, abductions, and kidnapping.
1.75 DIGITAL AND ELECTRONIC COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT. Digital or electronic use of copyrighted materials without authorization from the owner of the copyright.
1.80 DISORDERLY CONDUCT, DISRUPTION. Disorderly conduct is any offensive or annoying act that disrupts the peace.
It includes, but is not limited to any person that assembles on campus for the purpose of causing a riot, destruction of property or a disorderly diversion, which interferes with the normal operation of the University; rowdy behavior, indecent language, excessive noise or drunken or drug induced behavior; disorderly and/or obscene conduct or a breach of the peace on any University property or public function affiliated with the University.
It includes, but is not limited to conduct which is offensive or annoying to others or is disruptive to the rights of others. It includes excessive noise, noise after quiet hours, misuse of musical instruments, noise producing devices, talking excessively loud, failure to properly dispose of trash or food trays, shouting, loud stereo or radio sets; horseplay, practical jokes, and general annoyances; throwing any dangerous objects in a University facility or from the window of a University facility or onto the premises of the University. Breaking lines, such as in the cafeteria, during registration, at campus events and activities, and so on, is deemed disorderly conduct.
The intentional obstruction, interruption, hindrance, or disruption of teaching, research, administration, ceremonies, disciplinary proceedings, or other university tasks and activities; interfering with duties of a student, faculty/staff member or University official; withholding information vital to any investigation carried out by an authorized agent of the University; creating excessive noise which can be heard in other areas of the campus and which interferes with the normal operations of the University is prohibited.
Disruptive behavior includes any person that threatens to or actually pushes, strikes or physically assaults any member of the University community or any guests to the campus. It includes maliciously provoking or participating in fights. It also includes conduct which materially interferes with the normal operation of the University and conduct and/or expressions which are obscene, intimidating, or which are blatantly offensive to the prevailing standards of an academic community.
Note: Self-defense is that which reasonably appears necessary, in view of all the circumstances of the case, to prevent injury and remove oneself from the situation.
In so much as students are responsible for the behavior of their guests, students may receive sanctions if they permit their guests to behave disorderly on campus.
1.85 DISTRIBUTION OF ILLICIT PRINTED MATERIAL. Distribution of printed materials that are libelous, derogatory, scurrilous, sexually explicit, pornographic, or that encourage violations of public laws or University regulations.
1.90 DRUGS/ DRUG PARAPHERNALIA: Possession of/Use of (illegal)/Odor of a controlled substance. The consumption, sale, distribution, manufacturing, purchase, passing of, or being in the presence or the vicinity of illegal drugs or narcotics is strictly prohibited. Additionally, serving as an accessory to, or aiding and abetting the distribution or use of any controlled substances, is strictly prohibited from all locations of the university and beyond the premises, according to all local, state, and federal laws. Illegal drugs also include all prescription drugs without a valid medical prescription.
Drug paraphernalia is strictly prohibited at the University. Paraphernalia is defined as all equipment, products, and materials, of any kind, used to facilitate planting, propagating, cultivating, growing, manufacturing, converting, processing, preparing, packaging, storing, concealing, playing with, injecting, ingesting, inhaling, or otherwise introducing a controlled substance into the body. The scope of this prohibition includes drugs or paraphernalia that is on the person or in the possession of a student on property owned or controlled by the university and/ or at events and activities sponsored by the university, and involves related incidents that are subject to prosecution under local, state, and federal laws. The illegal possession of and/or use of drugs, or drug paraphernalia includes, but is not limited to roach clips, bongs, hookah, masks, scales, balances, sandwich bags or plastic bags and their corners, sifters, syringes, spoons, chamber pipes, homemade pipes, film canisters, diluents, spray cans, carburetor pipes, paint, pipes, using screens, water pipes, and any other equipment, products and materials that can be directly linked to the usage of controlled substances.
Evidence of use of marijuana includes but is not limited to: smell, smoke, seeds, or residue. The presence of the odor of marijuana will be considered evidence that a drug violation has occurred.
Improper behavior or conduct on the campus which is a result of the use of illegal drugs which means that one who, having consumed or used drugs, experiences a loss of the normal use of his/her mental and/or physical faculties is restricted.
Note: Any student found responsible for violating this policy may be subject to a fine, educational sanctions, and disciplinary probation. Aggravating factors, such as the presence of a weapon, threats, or a fight, may result in a $500 fine, permanent loss of housing, and suspension from the university.
Students who are complicit may be subject to a $50 fine, housing probation, and/or additional disciplinary action from the university.
Parent notification can be made for violations of this policy.
1.95 FAILURE TO COMPLY. Failure to comply with a proper order or summons when requested by authorized University officials; failure to comply with the directions of University officials (including residence hall staff) acting in the performance of their duties; failure to appear before a disciplinary committee upon request; failure to provide student identification upon request; failure to abide by or comply with University policies and procedures; failure to comply with an ordered disciplinary sanction.
This includes direct disobedience of a lawful order of a University official, as well as failure to evacuate a building during a fire alarm, drill, or when otherwise so ordered by a University official, fire department staff, or local law official.
2.00 FORGERY, DISHONESTY, FRAUDULENT ACTS, AND/OR MISREPRESENTATION. Forgery of names, signatures, documents (personal, public, and/or private) will not be tolerated. Forgery, deceptive acts, misrepresentation and/or dishonest acts include, but are not limited to materials, alteration, misuse of University documents, records, or student identification cards, documents and records belonging to another, or third-party documents and records, cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty; tampering with the election of any University recognized student organization; malfeasance or misuse of elective or appointive office in a student organization, its members, or the welfare of the University community; and fraudulently issuing worthless checks to the University.
Lying, knowingly furnishing false information to the University or its officials, other forms of dishonesty in University-related affairs is also prohibited. The scope includes but is not limited to the following: lying, fraudulently obtaining, altering, falsifying, transferring, loaning, selling or misusing or attempting intended misuse of an ID card, validation sticker, or any University document or service.
2.05 GAMBLING. Prohibited activity includes but is not limited to: betting or wagering or selling pools on any athletic event; playing card games or dice for money; possessing any card, book or other device for registering bets; knowingly permitting the use of your room, suite, apartment, telephone or other electronic communication device for illegal gambling; offering, soliciting or accepting a bribe to influence the outcome of an athletic event; and involvement in bookmaking or wagering pools with respect to sporting events.
2.10 GUEST BEHAVIOR. Students are responsible for the behavior of their guests whom they invite to the campus or permit to visit on the campus. If a guest is found to be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct while in the company of the student host or with the student host’s knowledge, applicable charges will be brought against the guest, as well as against the student host or the host student organization.
2.15 HARASSMENT (Verbal and/or Physical). The excessive physical annoyance of or the use of verbally abusive language by any person on University-owned or controlled property or while on the premises of, or while in attendance of University-sponsored or supervised events. This policy also applies to social media use. Harassment includes language to physical acts which degrades, insults, taunts, or challenges another person by any means of communication, so as to provoke a violent response, communication of threat, or defamation of character. It includes the use of profanity, verbal assaults, pushing, shoving, striking, kicking, or any touching a person or subjecting someone to physical contact. It also includes derogatory comments or remarks, sexist remarks, racist remarks or any behavior that places another member of the University community in a state of fear or anxiety.
2.16 HATE-MOTIVATED OFFENSE – Actions of violence, harassment, abuse and/or discrimination based on age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, or disability.
2.20 HAZING. Any action taken or situation of intimidation created, intentionally, whether on or off campus, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, ridicule, or the breaking of school’s rules. Activities considered to be hazing include two elements: (1) Coercion, either overt or covert, and (2) Production of physical or mental discomfort, in either the participant(s) or spectators. It is strictly prohibited for a person or organization to, in the course of another person’s initiation into or affiliation with any organization, intentionally or recklessly engage in conduct which creates a substantial risk of physical injury to such other person or to a third person.
2.25 HEALTH AND SAFETY VIOLATION. Any behavior which creates a risk or danger to others of the University community, including but not limited to propping open doors to residence halls, throwing objects from windows or balconies, failure to keep one’s room in a condition that is safe and sanitary, or failure to maintain reasonable standards of cleanliness and safety as defined by the University. This includes the possession of flammable liquids, fireworks, weapons, illegal or controlled substances, illegal cooking appliances, open fires, candles, and incense burners.
2.30 HOUSING VIOLATION. Failure to comply with housing and residence life regulations including visitation policies.
2.35 IDENTITY DISCLOSURE/IDENTITY THEFT. Failure to carry a valid University student identification card (when possession is in reason) while on the University property or failure to present it to a University official, including housing and residence hall staff, police officers, administration, and staff members upon request.
Presenting a false name or other identification, including false or invalid ID card, to a University official, while in the performance of their duties is prohibited.
Fraudulently obtaining, transferring, selling, loaning, fabricating, manufacturing, falsifying, altering, misusing or attempting or intending to misuse one’s ID card or personal identifying information, without the consent of said owner, for the purpose of misrepresenting oneself to obtain any benefits, credit, goods, services or other items of value in the name of said owner.
2.36 INTIMATE PARTNER/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Any behavior within a current or previous intimate relationship that causes physical, psychological or sexual harm to those in the relationship, including acts of physical aggression, sexual coercion, psychological abuse, and controlling behaviors.
2.40 POSSESSION OF STOLEN PROPERTY. Knowingly possessing property that may be identified as being stolen from the University or from any other person is prohibited.
2.45 INDECENT, OBSCENE, IMMORAL BEHAVIOR, AND/OR PROFANITY. Conduct, which is disorderly, lewd, indecent and/or portrayed on the premises of the University or at University sponsored or supervised activities will not be tolerated. Such acts include the use of obscene gestures, improper body exposures, stripping, vulgar language to or in the vicinity of students, staff members, administrators, or faculty or visitors of the University.
2.50 LITTERING, THROWING OBJECTS OUT OF WINDOWS. The inappropriate disposal of refuse, including ejecting or dropping any object from windows in residence halls or balconies or other University buildings or vehicle.
2.55 MORAL TURPITUDE. An act of baseness, vileness or depravity which brings shame to the University and is in contradiction to the letter and spirit of the University’s Code of Conduct, good citizenship and ethics.
2.60 MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS, PARKINGVIOLATIONS. Violation of properly constituted rules and regulations governing the use of motor vehicles (e.g. automobiles, motorcycles, etc.) on University-owned or controlled property or at University sponsored or supervised activities. This also includes driving and parking on grass and sidewalks. Failure to obey traffic and parking regulations is punishable by the University Department of Public Safety.
2.61 OBSTRUCTION OF UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES. – the act of preventing or prohibiting teaching, research, administration, disciplinary procedures, or other University activities.
2.65 PROBATION VIOLATION. Failure to comply with the sanctions placed on a student for a specified amount of time violating the Student Code of Conduct and/or breaking of any laws.
2.70 RAPE. Forcing or coercing another, regardless of sexual gender, personal affiliation, and/or affiliation with the University to engage in the act of sexual intercourse without that person’s consent, or when the sexual intercourse is deemed without the person’s consent because the person (victim) is incapable of understanding the nature of the act by reason of stupor or abnormal condition of the mind produced by an intoxicating or narcotic agent administered by the offender.
2.75 SAFETY CODE MISCHIEF. Tampering with safety equipment is a serious violation of the Student Code of Conduct and is subject to criminal prosecution. Turning in a false fire or bomb alert, by any means including a telephone call or by a warning device, theft, removal of, or tampering with fire extinguishing or safety equipment, exit signs, smoke alarms and detectors, fire hoses, sprinkler systems, hoses, fire mischief, or violation of University guidelines regarding fire safety, or standard safety (e.g., failure to follow evacuation procedures or obstructing the evacuation of a building during a fire, fire drill, or any other type of emergency) is strictly prohibited.
2.80 SEXUAL ASSAULT. The forcing of, or attempting to force, another person regardless of sexual gender, personal affiliation, and/or affiliation with the University, to participate in sexual intercourse and/or other sexual activities against his/her will is prohibited. Such misconduct includes verbal coercion, threats and physical restraint, and will not be tolerated. Violators also are subject to criminal prosecution.
2.85 SEXUAL BATTERY. The forcing of or forceful intention of engaging in sexual misconduct by physical contact and/or excessive force (with or without a weapon) which leads to physical pain, toward another person regardless of sexual gender, personal affiliation, and/or affiliation with the University, without his/her consent or when such sexual contact is deemed offensive to the victim, will not be tolerated by the University.
2.90 SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Regardless of sexual gender, personal affiliation, and/or affiliation with the University, sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome and unsolicited sexual advances, requests for sexual favors or other verbal, visual or physical conduct or communication with sexual overtones that the victim deems offensive. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to unsolicited, deliberate, or repeated sexual flirtation, advances or propositions; verbal abuse of a sexual nature; display of sexually suggestive pictures or objects; and/or offensive or abusive physical contact of a sexual nature.
2.95 SMOKING. The inhaling, exhaling, or burning of any type of lighted pipe, cigar, cigarette, or any other smoking equipment, whether filled with tobacco or any other type of material in University owned buildings or in University owned vehicles. Smoking is also prohibited on the Quad and during any University sponsored outdoor event hosted on University property.
3.00 SOCIAL MEDIA. Students and recognized organizations are cautioned that any material posted on the internet, including social networking sites and internet blogs will not be considered private or protected information. Students may be held accountable for inappropriate content and/or content that brings shame to the University (including fights, practical jokes, etc.) posted in this manner and information obtained from such sources may be considered in cases of misconduct. This includes, but is not limited to, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, BlogSpot, YouTube, Periscope, etc.
3.05 SOLICITATION. Unauthorized selling, collection of monies, and promotion on campus or within University buildings is not permitted without permission of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee. Students may not act as agents for business firms which entail solicitation or the receiving of business offers or goods on University property. Further, students may not solicit on behalf of the University without the permission of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee, and the Vice President for Marketing, Communications and Advancement. Use of any residence hall room for business purposes of any nature, (e.g. the selling of food, clothing, jewelry, merchandise, favors, manicures/pedicures, hair perming/styling/braiding, barbering, babysitting, etc.) whatsoever is prohibited.
3.10 STALKING. A course of conduct, whether electronic or physical, directed at a specific person that would cause reasonable fear. This conduct includes, but is not limited to, electronic communication, third party communication and/or an individual’s behaviors.
3.11 TERRORIST BEHAVIOR. The use, or threat of use, of violence by groups or individuals to achieve political change, and in doing so, targeting non-combatant civilians as its immediate victims. Terrorist ideologies tend to provide a set of beliefs that justify and mandate certain violent behaviors.
3.15 THEFT/MISAPPROPRIATION. Theft is defined as the wrongful taking of money or property without the consent of the owner, and/or the secreting of anything stolen, regardless of where the theft occurred; stealing from another person, agency institution, or the University; the taking of property belonging to another, with the intent of converting the property to one’s personal use; the unauthorized taking or consumption of food from the cafeteria or from a campus event; unauthorized use of another’s credit card; and failure to return another’s personal property upon request or within a reasonable period of time. Misappropriation, the taking of property belonging to another by mistake and/or without the owner’s permission, but with no intent to convert the property to one’s personal use is not permitted. This includes unauthorized moving or relocation of University furniture to one’s own room or to some other area, illegal and/or unauthorized possession or sale of any property without the proper authorization, and possession of property which has been reported lost or stolen.
3.20 TRESPASSING. Unauthorized presence on, in or within any building or property owned or operated by the University (including residence halls), or the unauthorized entry into or remaining in a facility, or in a private room or office under the control of another, after having been asked to leave.
3.25 UNAUTHORIZED USE/ENTRY OF UNIVERSITY FACILITIES. Unauthorized use of equipment, occupancy of, or unauthorized entry into or exiting from University facilities. Unauthorized entry/exiting includes the entering and/or occupying and improper exiting of University facilities that are locked, closed or restricted to certain or all persons. Unauthorized entry or exiting into and from residence halls, without proper permission into living quarters or other building and/or structures or University premises, or the aiding and assisting of such is prohibited.
3.30 VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL CODE OF THE LOCAL, STATE OR FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Actions or activities, on or off-campus that violate criminal law.
Note: Students found in violation of the Criminal Code by local, state or federal law enforcement will receive an automatic sanction(s) based on the severity of the violation(s).
3.31 VIOLATION OF PRIVACY. To produce live streaming video/audio footage, audio recordings, video recordings, or photographs of any individual in a location where the person has a realistic expectancy of privacy and without the individual’s awareness or consent.
3.35 WEAPONS/FIREARMS. The use, storage, possession, consumption, or display of weapons, firearms, self-defense devices, or explosives is strictly prohibited on the premises of the University. Weapons include, but are not limited to the following: mace, pepper spray, rifles, shotguns, Tasers, stun guns, ammunition, handguns, air guns, BB guns, bowie knives, daggers switchblade knives, butcher knives, metallic or brass knuckles, explosives (including dangerous chemicals), water guns, play guns, firecrackers, propelled missiles, fireworks. The possession or use of items that resemble guns, knives, or other weapons are also strictly prohibited. A concealed weapons permit does not constitute authorization. When course content and classroom assignments require the use of such items, the President or designee, the Provost or designee, Vice President for Student Affairs or designee, and the Department of Public Safety should give prior written approval.
Note: Students found in violation of the weapons/firearms policy risk immediate suspension or expulsion from the University.
Judicial Sanctions
Students must use their assigned 51AV A&M University student e-mail account, in order to receive all University correspondence, including information pertaining to student conduct violations.
All sanctions imposed on students who have been found responsible of violation(s) are based solely on individual circumstances. No case is exactly the same as another, and sanctions will most likely differ in similar instances. It is primarily the decision of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Residence Hall Director, Hearing Officer, or the Judicial Board to determine the sanction imposed on each student.
Depending on the severity of an incident, students may face criminal charges off campus. If a student has already been to court for an alleged incident, then the student has fulfilled their obligation to any violation of law. Meaning, the student has met the requirement set forth under 51AV Law for the designated county. However, the student will still be required to meet their obligation to 51AV A&M University’s policies and procedures outlined in this handbook.
Consequently, even if the court finds a student "not guilty" or determined there was not sufficient evidence to even "hear" the case in court, the student will still be required to meet with Student Conduct and Community Standards for a hearing. The University judicial process runs separately and concurrently to any process the law requires, and determines responsibility based on the preponderance of evidence. Under these circumstances, this process is not considered double jeopardy.
When it has been determined that a student is responsible for violating any provision of this Code, one or more sanctions may be imposed. The following is a non-exhaustive list of potential sanctions that may be utilized individually or in combination:
- Warning- A notice in writing to the student.
- Probation- A written reprimand for violation for specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of more severe disciplinary sanctions, including suspension or expulsion, if the student is found to be violating any University regulation(s) during the probationary period.
- Loss of Privileges- Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
- Educational Assignment- A student is required to complete a specified educational assignment related to the violation committed. This may include completion of a workshop, seminar, class, report, paper, project, alcohol or drug program, consultation, assessment, evaluation, and/or counseling.
- Fines- Based on the violation and number of offenses, fines ranging from $50 - $250 may be imposed.
- Restitution- Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
- Parent Notification- a written notice to parent/guardian(s) may be sent as a result of violations related to the alcohol (under 21), drugs, weapons, and physical violence.
- Counseling Consultation- the student will attend an individual or group counseling session through Health and Counseling Services.
- Online Education Course- Based on the violation, students could be assigned to enroll, pay for and complete an online course.
- Interim or Supportive Measures- actions taken while a resolution to a situation is still pending.
- Discretionary Sanctions- Work assignments, service to the University or community as well as other related discretionary assignments (such assignments must have the prior approval of the Conduct Administrator), etc.
- No Contact Order- The student may have no further contact or communications with a student who was their accuser or otherwise involved with the Code violation.
- Residence Hall Access- Separation of the student from the residence halls for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Condition(s) for readmission may be specified. A student may also be required to transfer to a different residence hall on campus. Permanent separation of the student from the residence halls may also occur.
- Campus Ban- Order, warning, or directive prohibiting access to University property. This may take the form of a formal Trespass Warning issued by the 51AV A&M Police Department.
- University Suspension- Separation of the student from the University for a definite or indefinite period of time. When a student is eligible to return, conditions for readmission may be specified.
- Deferred Suspension- The student may be subject to delayed suspension, if the University subsequently determines they have failed to comply with the conditions placed upon continued enrollment at 51AV A&M or if the student is found responsible for additional conduct violation(s).
- University Expulsion- Separation of the student from the University permanently. A student permanently expelled is prohibited from reapplying to the University in the future or from earning a degree from any of its colleges or schools. If a disciplinary action results in a recommendation that expulsion is the appropriate sanction, then the Vice President for Student Affairs shall review the sanction and shall make the final decision to expel after consultation with the President of the University. Because a decision to expel a student is made after consultation with the President, a student has no right to request a review of the sanction of expulsion.