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AAMU Math Series Begins

Math Series Starts
March 15, 2022

Mathematician Ncube Targets Undergrads

Venue:  ETB 110, Thursdays, 12:30 p.m. - 1:50 p.m.

Organizer: Dr. Ncube, Mathematics


Cookies, Coffee, and Mathematics is a new mathematics research colloquium series at 51AV A&M University, primarily aimed at undergraduate students who may or may not be mathematics majors. However, anyone who has an interest in mathematics, or its applications, is welcome to attend the colloquia.  

The overarching goal of the colloquium series is to expose students, very early on in their careers, to research-level mathematics problems, and to imbue in them a deep and long-lasting curiosity in mathematics and all its facets, according to Dr. Israel Ncube, professor and director of the Nonlinear Dynamics Research Laboratory in the Department of Mathematics, College of Engineering, Technology and Physical Sciences. 

“Through discussion and collaboration, students will be introduced to rigorous and innovative approaches in the investigation of various technical problems arising in many different areas of mathematics,” Ncube noted. “Our modest hope is that this initiative at AAMU will help develop a life-long habit of deep mathematical thinking in all those who participate in the colloquia.”

A secondary, and very important, goal is to fill in some of the conspicuous gaps that are left by standard undergraduate curricula in mathematics, said Dr. Ncube.  In the long-term, students participating in the colloquia will gain valuable technical expertise that will enable them to seamlessly transition into any research environment, such as graduate school in mathematics or a research laboratory.

“In a collaborative and inclusive environment, we will study both classical and contemporary mathematics problems, and we will frequently explore the research literature in the process,” Ncube said.  Applications of mathematics in various fields will also feature quite prominently.

Cookies and Coffee (or tea) will eventually become a regular part of the colloquia, in the post-pandemic era. Ncube called the project “long-term” and “a very important addition to the mathematical education of students at this university.”

Please wear a mask, and observe social distancing.
